• Portfolio Pricing Platform for Pharmaceuticals
    Utilizing a first-in-class technology platform SnapTransparency will optimize portfolio and single asset drug
    pricing decisions by providing comprehensive current data, historical pricing data, active and pending
    federal state pricing compliance policies

Price-Transparency Reporting can become outstandingly simple!

SNAP enables you to drive updates around pricing policy and compliance in real-time, enabling manufacturers and states to proactively manage reputation risk and ensure compliance with new policies. There is no other platform on the market that brings together state and federal policies to determine the impact on the manufacturer, as it pertains to their drug price.

SNAP simplifies

SNAPTransparency is a cloud-based SaaS service that streamlines State and Federal Drug Price Transparency Compliance Management for you.

The platform’s key capabilities:
Automate and Enhance processes- Pricing Calculator

1. Pricing Calculator based on the NDC code

2. Determine immediately if a certain increase in price triggers the need for reporting at the state or federal level

3. Automate your submission process

4. Compare your price to current competition

5. View 10 years of Medicare buy and bill drug pricing data

6. Determine financial liability under Medicare Part B

7. CPI penalty pricing calculator and pharmacy benefit design

Monitor reporting and continuously evolving regulations

1. View new state legislation pertaining to price updates

2. View current and pending policies, divided by party, related to drug pricing

3. State correlation data- early adopter vs laggards

4. Political market trend analysis (new policies being developed)

​Pricing Transparency: WAC/ASP/CPT

1. Medicare quarterly price updates

2. Pricing trend analysis

3. Historical policy inflections and impact on price

4. Commercial price and revenue potential

5. Current Procedural Technology (CPT) code payment data - powerful information for clients with devices

Pricing history in physician’s office, hospital and inpatient setting

1. 10 years of physician fee schedule pricing, hospital outpatient and inpatient reimbursement

2. Allows for educated initial pricing and pricing update decisions

3. Insight into pricing and reimbursement trends in these sites of care

Strategic Decision Making

1. Competitive analysis and positioning

2. Launch and lifecycle pricing strategies

3. Commercial contracting approaches

4. Portfolio Impact

5. Forecast inputs

6. Annual Drug Price Transparency public hearing updates

Everything you need to monitor

All at one place

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Why get on SnapTransparency now?

Mapping, Reviewing, Correlating, and Managing Pricing Decisions Is Challenging.

Your Wish to Keep Up is PriceOptimizer's Command!

Price Optimizer collates data from reliable sources about drugs, diagnostic or treatment services, and other procedures.
Just ask PriceOptimizer with Quick Search and get all the information you need in simple-to-understand and downloadable format.

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